noshi’s diary


Facebook Gaming ストリーマーに向けたガイド(アドバイス)




マイクロソフトがMixerの終了を発表――コミュニティーはFacebook Gamingへ移行


私はこのMixerを使っての配信はそれほどしませんでしたが、xbox oneから手軽にlive配信できるMixerが無くなるのはちょっと切ない限り。


さてmicrosoftはMixer修了に伴い、MixerサイトとアプリをFacebook Gamingへリダイレクトすることを発表しました。


Facebook Gaming?なんじゃそりゃ?って感じですが、youtube,twitch,openrecなどの配信プラットフォームのひとつとなります。Facebook GamingはLIVE配信やVOD(動画投稿)もできるようですが、どちらかというとLIVE配信の色が濃いプラットフォームである印象です。


ほかに目を引いたのは、Facebook Gamingのサイト上にか書かれていた「1か月に7億人以上の利用者がゲームプレイ、ゲーム動画の視聴、ゲーム関連グループでの交流を楽しんでいます。」というタイトル。






Facebook Gamingがどんなものか、そのうち体験したいと思いますが、同サイト上で英文でズラーーーーーっと書かれた配信者向けのアドバイスが書かれていて、今後のためになりそうでしたので、備忘録として残しておきます。




Titles, Captions, and Tags(タイトル,キャプション,タグ)

Titles, Captions, and Tags 

Use relevant tags to help your content show up for your desired audience. If you're playing a game on PC, mention the game and console in the title and add the game's name to your stream's tags. This way, you're more likely to show up to interested audiences.
For the title, use the game's name, keywords, and enticing language to draw the viewer in. Instead of saying, “Playing game!” say something like, “Making ladders look easy!"
While writing your stream's caption, remember that readers remember the first line, so make the most of it. You can include other relevant info later in the post.


配信する内容は、関連するタグを使用して、コンテンツが目的の視聴者に表示されるようにしましょう。PCでゲームをプレイしている場合は、タイトルにゲームとコンソールを記載し、ゲームの名前をストリームのタグに追加しましょう。 これにより、関心のある視聴者に表示される可能性が高くなります。




Notifications (お知らせ)


Remind viewers that they can click Follow below your stream's description. The Follow dropdown will give them the option to see your activity first, and they can also use this menu to turn on Notifications, which will alert them when you're streaming live.
You can also encourage your viewers to share your stream when it's live, so their friends can join in on the fun.




Content Schedule & Stream(コンテンツのスケジュールとストリーム)

Content schedule & stream

he most successful creators on Facebook post regularly. Plan when you're going to stream and make sure your viewers are aware of your streaming schedule. By adhering to a schedule, you build excitement and engagement with your viewers, because they know when to tune in. Add your schedule to the About section of your page so your viewers have quick access to it.

On Facebook, you can stream up to 4 hours at a time. To maximize viewership, make your stream a show people want to watch the whole way through. Whether you choose a mini-challenge or a theme, it will keep viewers more engaged than a freeform stream. Your stream will become a must-see event, and truly entertaining streams may even see viewers stay for a longer time—whether it's Live or VOD.











Increasing Engagement(エンゲージメントの向上)



○ Skip VOD intros (VODイントロダクションをスキップ )
The first 3 seconds of a video are too critical to leave to a repetitive intro. On Facebook, the News Feed autoplays videos as the viewer scrolls. Jump right into the game to draw in viewers, especially those who have notifications on for your live streams.




○ Mix up your interaction style (インタラクションのスタイルを変える)
While it's great to interact with chat in a stream, you don't need to limit it to responding to questions. Instead, try telling a story of recent adventure in games or some challenges of what you will be trying to do and what they can look forward to in that stream. Chat can help guide the stream, too.





○Keep the excitement up(ワクワクさせることをキープする)
Churn (viewers leaving a stream) happens most often between matches. Try to make the most of the time between rounds by discussing the last match, telling a story, or interacting with chat.





○Don't let your audience get bored (視聴者を飽きさせない)
It's ok to leave the stream on an exciting note—this may even encourage viewers to subscribe. Try to leave your audience wanting more. Let your viewers know when you'll be online again, so they can tune in to catch your next stream. You can even let them know how to subscribe and activate live notifications, so they won't miss it.





○Set up chat-specific streams (チャット固有のストリームを設定する)
If you have a chatty audience, or if you just want to hang out with them, try setting up a stream specifically for gameplay-related chat. It gives you a new video format to try, and can be a great way to interact with your viewers.





○Acknowledge positive feedback (肯定的なフィードバックを承認する)
When a viewer sends you Stars, compliments your gameplay, or assists another viewer with gameplay questions, be sure to call it out on stream. A quick, “Hey, how 'bout some Stars for that shot?” can help other viewers learn about how Stars work, illustrate how you receive feedback, and give viewers
a way to interact with you and each other. It also builds a positive sense of community—which can make streaming a lot more fun for everyone.







○Build a healthy community (健全なコミュニティを構築する)
No one wants to stay in a toxic community. Lead your stream with positivity and inspire your viewers to have fun. As a streamer, you can set up guidelines for your community and model what good behavior looks like. Your behavior as a streamer can directly impact your reach, so building a healthy environment for viewers benefits you, too.





○Report your concerns (懸念事項を報告する)
As a Creator, you may sometimes encounter difficult situations like trolling, harassment, and other bad behavior. If someone is harassing you or your viewers, you can report them. We'll evaluate the situation and take appropriate action. You can also appoint a Community Manager to help keep chat a fun place for your viewers.


クリエイターであるあなたは、時に荒らしや嫌がらせ、その他の悪質な行為などの困難な状況に遭遇することがあります。誰かがあなたや視聴者に嫌がらせをしている場合は、報告することができます。状況を評価し、適切な対処を行います。また、視聴者のためにチャットを楽しい場所に保つために、コミュニティ マネージャーを任命することができます。








